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Why Us?

Our vision, "Preparing learners for the world that awaits," encapsulates what we stand for.

  • School & leadership Individuality 
  • Conformity through consensus  
  • Coaching, counselling & supervision 
  • Shared services & central experts 
  • High-quality CPD and support for all staff 

We believe in schools that celebrate the individuality, curiosity and dignity of each learner. Our approach isn't about fitting students into a predefined mould but instead helping them discover their own unique potential. We aim to prepare them not just for the challenges of today but for the world that awaits them; whatever form it may take. 

Our Trust takes a unique approach by empowering our schools to learn from their own experiences, including setbacks. While we acknowledge that there are times when we could intervene, we believe in fostering self-determination where we can (along as pupils learning does not suffer). Our role is to guide, advise, audit, and evaluate impact, not to take over the day-to-day operations. Unlike other Multi-Academy Trusts that may seek to control and create conformity, we empower schools to maintain their individuality within an agreed common framework. By allowing for the possibility of things going in a novel or individual direction, we create the conditions for schools to become more unique and resilient. This approach fosters more robust, capable institutions where the real magic happens through learning and growth.

Our values are the guiding stars that illuminate our path: pioneering, altruistic, and empathic. We pioneer new ways of learning, embracing innovation and adaptability as the keys to success. Our altruistic spirit drives us to give more than we take, ensuring that the communities and schools we serve benefit immensely from our presence. Empathy forms the core of our approach, understanding that each student, leader, and school is a unique entity, and their needs are as diverse as their potential.

We believe we can be a strategic partner in helping schools achieve their goals and enhance the educational experience of all pupils. What sets us apart is our values-led decision-making model. We prioritise the needs and aspirations of students above all else. Our approach is built on encouraging school autonomy and individuality, not stifling it. Coaching and counselling for leaders is a key part of our approach.  We believe that by putting the learner's well-being and aspirations at the centre of everything we do, we can guide them towards their brilliance. 

Schools for Every Child is not just a Trust; it's a community of educators, learners, and visionaries working together to shape the future of education.

The shared values of altruism, pioneering spirit, and ethical behaviour are not mere abstract ideals but living principles guiding our daily interactions and decisions. These values come to life in our actions and behaviours, significantly contributing to the realisation of our vision. Our vision, 'Nurturing Brilliance, Guiding Exploration, Cultivating Respect', is an aspiration that unites our organisation. It acknowledges and celebrates the individuality, curiosity, and dignity of each learner, equipping them for future challenges and opportunities. This vision is distinct enough to set us apart, yet broad enough to encompass our diverse organisation.

Each entity within the Trust, from the Central Team and Trustees to individual schools like Wyburns, North Crescent, and Rayleigh, embraces this vision through unique mottos. These mottos reflect how each part contributes to our overarching vision in a way that is distinctive yet integrally connected to the whole.

Our shared purpose statements articulate common expectations across various domains, ensuring consistency and clarity in our approach. Here, our focus on individualised coaching and mental health support is evident. We recognise that the well-being of our staff directly impacts the quality of education and support provided to our students. Hence, we invest in robust mental health initiatives and personalised coaching to ensure that our staff are well-equipped to meet the diverse needs of our students.

Empowering leaders is central to our mission. We enable them to drive necessary changes within their schools, fostering educational brilliance while upholding the rights of the child. Our approach is not just about academic excellence but also about supporting the mental and emotional well-being of our community. We provide consistent support in overcoming challenges and finding solutions collaboratively. Where leaders face difficulties in making requisite changes, particularly in ensuring the right to education as outlined in Article 28, we intervene to implement these changes, thereby upholding every child's right to quality education.

We are open to working with new partners who share our desire for the system to be different.  In working with us, you aren't just working with a Trust; you're becoming a part of a movement that is reshaping the educational landscape, driven by the values of pioneering, altruism, and empathy. Together, we can create a brighter and more innovative future for the learners in your school and one where leaders are not leaving the system due to a lack of autonomy and freedom to be creative. We stand out due to our commitment to: 

  • School & leadership Individuality 
  • Conformity through consensus  
  • Coaching, counselling & supervision 
  • Shared services & central experts 
  • High-quality CPD and support for all staff